jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Vocabulary Chapter 33

1.Adhering Juction: are protein complexes that occur at cell–cell junctions in epithelial tissues, usually more basal than tight junctions. 

2. Adipose tissue: is loose connective tissuecomposed of adipocytes.

3.Blood: is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body's cells (in animals) – such as nutrients and oxygen – and transports waste products away from those same cells.

4.Bone tissue:  is the major structural and supportive connective tissue of the body.

5.Cardiac muscle tissue: redated the divergence of the vertebrate/arthropod evolutionary line

6.Cartilage: is a flexible connective tissue found in many areas in the bodies of humans and other animals, including the joints between bones, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, the elbow, the knee, the ankle, the bronchial tubes and the intervertebral discs.

7.Dense, irregular connective tissue: has fibers that are not arranged in parallel bundles as in dense regular connective tissue.

8.Dense regular connective tissue:  provides connection between different tissues. The collagen fibers in dense regular connective tissue are bundled in a parallel fashion.

9.Ectoderm:  is the outer layer of the early embryo. It emerges first and forms from the outer layer of germ cells.

10. Endocrine gland: are glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood rather than through a duct.

11.Endoderm: is one of the germ layers formed during animal embryogenesis.

12.Ephitelium:  is one of the four basic types of animal tissue, along with connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue. 

13.Exocrine Gland: are glands that secrete their products (including hormones and other chemical messengers) into ducts(duct glands) that lead directly into the external environment.

14.Gap junction:  is a specialized intercellular connection between a multitude of animal cell-types.

15.Gland Cell: are paired almond-shaped glands, one for each eye, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film. 

16.Homeostasis: is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition. 

17.Internal Enviroment: one's own subjective feelings, thoughts, impulses, and sensations.

18.external environment:  the realities of a situation

19.Mesoderm:  is one of the three primary germ cell layers in the very early embryo.

20.Nervous tissue connective:  is one of four major classes of vertebrate tissue.

21.Neuroglia: are non-neuronal cells that maintainhomeostasis, form myelin, and provide support and protection for the brain's neurons. 

22.Neuron: is anelectrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signaling.

23.Organ: is a collection oftissues joined in structural unit to serve a common function.

24.Organ system: is a group of organs that work together to perform a certain task.

25.Skeletal muscle tissue: is a form of striated muscle tissue existing under control of thesomatic nervous system- i.e. it is voluntarily controlled.

26.Smooth muscle tissue: is an involuntary non-striated muscle.

27.Tight junction: are the closely associated areas of two cellswhose membranes join together forming a virtually impermeable barrier to fluid.

28.Tissue: is a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a complete organism.

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